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Class 3: Managing Attention and A-Tension
January 31, 2025

Class 2 Takeaway Reminders
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—Rogers, S., Chapter 2, Attention, The Mindful Law Student (2022).
*Singerman, "My Return on Investment from the Study and Practice of Mindfulness" (Fla.B.J. 2016).
Science Daily, "Mindfulness helps undergraduates stay on track," January 14, 2014.

Writing Assignment (Note, Writing Assignments Are Due by Wednesday at 5:00):
—Write a 1-page paper setting forth (1) something you learned from the Chapter on Attention that you did not know, (2) something you found hopeful, (3) how getting a better handle on your attention may help you lead yourself more effectively in an area that matters to you, and (4) something you found interesting about Paul Singerman's chapter,

*Chapter 2 Self-Assessment

Mindfulness Practice:
Sitting Practice: 12-Minute Focused Attention
Practice the 12-minute guided FA Practice 5+ days this week and note your observations on the Practice Journal. If you wish to keep to the 6-minute version, you may do so—though many find a longer period actually easier because initial resistance begins to subside after about 3-5 minutes. Remember, one of your missions—which you have chosen to accept--is to set in motion a regular routine. You can do it. Keep moving the ball forward, even if but a few yards.

2. One day this week, practice outside by scouting out a tree and sitting nearby, setting a timer for 12-minutes and use your crayons to draw the tree. Do not go over 12 minutes, and, if you finish early, either stay sitting and do nothing or return to drawing the tree. Bring with you to class prepared to discuss your experience and share your drawing.

3. Present-Moment Pivot:
When you get to your Present Moment Pivot Point (to or from your home), come to a stop and . . . practice STOP (from page 32 of the text book).
Stop, Take a Breath, Observe and Proceed. Do this as often as you wish—but at least 1 time a day. Remember, one of your missions is to nail down your PMP Point and practice and see if you can figure out how to REMEMBER to STOP. Of course, you can.

Remember to bring your Field Guide to class each week.